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A non-partisan space where we research the power structures that control our world today.

We FOLLOW THE MONEY, not the mainstream narrative to understand how corporations and big money pull the strings of politics and power.

We SEEK THE TRUTH, wherever it leads without attaching partisan labels or divisive agendas.

You're encouraged to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, thus promoting a culture of critical thinking, citing sources, and honest debate.

This used to be normal, now it's been canceled.
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Live Streamed on April 5, 2024 8:43 PM ET
HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of DOLLARS of stolen gold and laundered money- the story of the FIVE STAR TRUST

Tonight we go through one of the craziest and most unbelievable spy stories you'll ever read. It's taken me months just to verify that I am 95% certain these documents are in fact real, and I will show you all the reasons why I believe that.

In this stream we'll name names, banks, accounts, there are details about exactly how much money is where and when. We have copies of direct correspondences between the masterminds of one of the highest level and most secretive plots of the 20th century. Names like Bush, Rothschild, Helms, and more. And it all centers around two characters straight out of a spy novel. One infamous Major General Robert L. Ferrera the prototypical spy master, and his unlikely ally Marion J. R. Horn, the money man who inadvertently went from helping with one simple CIA money laundering operation to being the legal front man for a network of over 300 secret CIA bank accounts all around the world holding hundreds of billions of dollars of laundered money and precious metals.

The story spans five decades, at least seven presidencies, six continents, and is altogether unbelievable. But in this stream I will show you all the documents as well as all corroborating research I have done to verify them as best I can, and I'll let you decide what to make of it all. Either way, it's a damn good story.

Thanks for tuning in for Free Speech Friday,


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Harvard's Dirty Little Secret

I told you guy's we'd go to Harvard! It's finally time. Let me know what you all think of this one. This dig is just the tip of the iceberg that is higher ed. But it paints a pretty telling piece of the bigger picture.

As always, thanks for all the ongoing support! You guys make this all possible.


Welcome to Locals Homies!

Welcome to our forever home! If you're here, I love and appreciate you so much. In this video I'll cover the road map- go over the perks you can expect from being involved here in the Locals community and reveal my biggest and most exciting top secret project that I've had in the works for the last couple of weeks.

I can't wait to start filling this feed with content and exclusive discussions between the more dedicated among us. I can't wait for you all to have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation here and to learn from all of you. And I can't wait to look back on this in a year, two years, five, and see how far we've come and how much we've all done together to uncover the truth and expose what's really going on.

From the bottom of my sensitive little heart, THANK YOU!

Now let's get to work,


Yo whats up ! I’ve been following for a long time and learned so much from you. I just finished all 3 documentaries from Ryan (today) and I think I found the website that they use to traffic the kids.

This is the link

Tell me if we can do something to save someone

Hitler's 4th Reich - British King, Bankers, The Dulles brothers, Hoover, and Nazi war industrialists fighting for the wealth of the third reich.

October 27, 2024

The Joe Rogan Experiece with Donald Trump. Enjoy!

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